Hidden Forces

50% more paid subscribers in 3 months

Hidden Forces' subscriber growth on Patreon was painfully slow. That was until they moved to Supercast.

Podcast: Hidden Forces

Hosts: Demetri Kofinas

What's it about: Interviewing guests across finance, business and media to help listeners better understand the hidden forces shaping the world.

“It's meant to help people learn how to think critically and challenge consensus narratives so that they can work through the power process of the world, work through the hidden forces that drive the epiphenomena that inform the world that they live in.” - Demetri Kofinas

Listen to Demetri and Celia

Hear Demetri and Celia describe their journey with Supercast in their own words.

Hidden Forces had plateaued with Patreon

When Hidden Forces started to gain traction, Demetri decided to monetize through Patreon. This was meant to help Demetri escape the daily grind, so he could focus on building out his team and growing the podcast. 

However, after a period of time on Patreon, growth wasn't meeting expectations.

“We were seeing very, very slow growth over time, painfully slow.”

“I had a hypothesis that the process of becoming a subscriber on Patreon actually turned people away…The harder you make it for them, the more frustrated they would get and either never subscribe or cancel.”

This was when Hidden Forces knew they needed to find a better subscription platform to accelerate their subscriber growth and take the show where it needed to go.

Hidden Forces turned to Supercast

After weighing their options, Hidden Forces decided to use Supercast and they've never looked back.

“The website subscription process for Supercast is way better… And is clearly a much more frictionless way of subscribing, which you would expect would increase subscriber numbers.”

After just a few months of using Supercast, the results were clear:

“We've seen 50% growth in a very short amount of time… Now month over month, we're seeing 20 to 30% growth.”

Where did the growth come from? A frictionless signup process increased conversion of new subscribers, but Hidden Forces also won back subscribers who have previously churned from Patreon.

Faster growth was just the beginning

Apart from the increase in subscribers, Hidden Forces found that Supercast's range of features and level of service made running their subscription business much easier.

“One of the things that I really like about Supercast is the dashboard and the analytics, which is not something I've found in other platforms. And that allows me to really understand who's listening for how long they're listening, etc. That's very important for me.”

“I just can't express enough that Supercast have been super awesome. I'm in a Slack channel with them and we chat to them almost every day. They're super responsive, and that's just something you don't really experience anymore.”

Overall, Supercast has helped Hidden Forces grow 50% faster, with a frictionless listener experience and a platform that gives Demetri and Celia much more flexibility and control over their business.

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