Monthly revenue doubled in the first week

This health sciences podcaster doubled her monthly revenue by moving to Supercast. Learn how she is earning more while helping people improve their health.

Rhonda Patrick posing in front of green garden

Rhonda Patrick helps hundreds of thousands of people to improve their health. 

FoundMyFitness distills Rhonda’s strategies to increase health, well-being, and cognitive and physical performance. 

Empowering her audience to have a deeper understanding of biology, Rhonda scrutinizes scientific literature and studies to discover the facts that enable people to live better, healthier lives. Tim Ferriss and Joe Rogan were early fans, but FoundMyFitness has hundreds of thousands of subscribers across YouTube, Facebook and the titular podcast. 

As one of our first customers, we worked with Rhonda to adapt and grow FoundMyFitness’s audience-supported model. She is now a Supercast advisor and investor.

FoundMyFitness makes sense of health science

FoundMyFitness shares Rhonda’s scientific insights across her website, videos, and podcast. Her focus isn’t on providing as much information as possible, but on sharing it as effectively as possible. 

Rhonda interviews (and is interviewed by) notable scientists and experts, from Harvard’s Professor of Genetics to New York Times Best-Selling Author Tim Ferris. She tackles subjects as granular as sulforaphane’s effects on cancer and as universal as late-night snacking, and the positive health benefits of saunas.

“Great content and presented in a beautiful way. I appreciate that Dr. Patrick doesn’t appear to have any bias or hidden agenda. She just presents the best and latest data on different subjects and makes it easy to understand.”   
— N.J.Leatherman via iTunes review (⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐)

For the better part of a decade, Rhonda has been creating videos, articles, and a podcast that help her audience for free. Hundreds of thousands of people listen, view, and otherwise value Rhonda’s work. When she asked them if they would be interested in paying to support her work and receive some premium content, they answered with a resounding yes.  

"Found my Fitness" podcast being played on mobile phone

A premium membership with a mission 

Rhonda created FoundMyFitness with a vision: empower everyday people to live better and healthier lives. To achieve this, Rhonda informs, rebuts, and synthesizes science-focused content, providing a level of scrutiny laypeople and journalists can’t. 

Collage of photos of FMF supporters
FoundMyFitness supporters rocking their supporter t-shirts

Rhonda's audience embraces her deep respect and passion for the topics she explores. FoundMyFitness supporters aren’t just fans, they’re folks who believe in Rhonda and her vision for FoundMyFitness

When Rhonda used Patreon to offer a donation option for FouindMyFitness, issues around premium content delivery and payment processing became apparent. Connecting her audience to her members-only content did not feel like a premium experience. These challenges led to Rhonda launching a refreshed Premium Membership offering powered by Supercast.

Within a week of launching a premium membership with Supercast, FoundMyFitness doubled its monthly revenue.

Rhonda’s listeners value the right information

By using Supercast, Rhonda grew FoundMyFitness exponentially, enabling her and her team to produce more high-quality and well-researched information. 

With access starting at $15/month, premium members receive members-only and early-access podcast episodes, access to monthly live Q&As, and an exclusive twice-monthly Science Digest that helps members stay up-to-date on the latest research by curating and commenting on the most interesting studies Rhonda and her team are exploring. They also get access to a members-only library of research summaries and resources, presentation slides, and, of course, a t-shirt. 

Rhonda on a Zoom call
Rhonda recording a live, members-only Q&A session

One of the unique offerings of FoundMyFitness is their genetic report, which was developed and is regularly updated by Rhonda and her team. Using your DNA data from 23andMe or, the FoundMyFitness Genetic Report examines your genes that have the greatest influence on your healthspan, with functions and strategies outlined within. A paid subscription includes a report and lifetime updates,

Because Rhonda’s audience is so engaged and her content is so valuable, Rhonda was able to offer an ultra-premium option for FoundMyFitness’s biggest fans. At $250/month, members can join a monthly live video call and group discussion with Rhonda. And because some listeners are more interested in the mission than individual premium benefits, one-time donations and pay-what-you-can subscriptions are also available. 

“Rhonda displays an uncannily prescient knowledge of each subject area she attacks. If she decides to dig into a subject, she consumes it, and her podcasts are lucid, articulate, thoughtful, and informative.”

— Jed W Fahey, ScD, Director of Chemoprotection Center, Johns Hopkins

From passion-project to mission-driven business

Rhonda Patrick used Supercast to transform her passion project into a business that supports Rhonda, her team, and their mission to help everyday people live healthier lives.

"Supercast powers the FoundMyFitness members-only podcast. It made it simple to share private podcasts with our premium subscribers, and track engagement across our member community."

— Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D.

Unleash your subscription growth. Today.

✔ FoundMyFitness switched from Patreon to Supercast and doubled their revenue in a week.

✔ Canadaland grew their subscriptions 3x faster.

✔ Hidden Forces grew subscriptions by 50% in just their first few months.

All while simplifying the subscriber experience and offering premium subscriptions on all podcast players, including Spotify.

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